
September: Childhood Cancer and Hodgkin's Lymphoma Awareness Month

  September holds special significance as it is dedicated to raising awareness about two critical health issues: Childhood Cancer and Hodgkin's Lymphoma. These are serious conditions that affect many families worldwide, and this month serves as an important time to educate, support, and advocate for those impacted by these diseases. Childhood Cancer Awareness Childhood cancer is a leading cause of death by disease in children and adolescents. Despite being relatively rare, it poses a significant threat to young lives. The most common types of childhood cancers include leukemia, brain tumors, and lymphomas. Unlike adult cancers, the causes of childhood cancer are often unknown, making prevention difficult. Why September Matters: 1.        Raising Awareness: By dedicating September to Childhood Cancer Awareness, we help bring attention to the struggles that young patients and their families face. Awareness leads to better understanding, more support, and increased funding f

Ways to support Childhood Cancer Patients

  Hug Them: Hugs can provide emotional reassurance, comfort, and a sense of connection to childhood cancer patients. They remind patients that they’re not alone in their struggle. This contributes to the patient’s resilience and ability to cope with the stress of the disease and treatment.  For instance, the Hugs for Brady Foundation helps end pediatric cancer by funding advanced research, bringing joy to patients, helping families defray the cost of cancer treatments, and more. So, in a broader sense, “hugs” symbolize the comprehensive support system that aids in the fight against cancer. Cheer them up: Cheering up childhood cancer patients can have a significant positive impact on their emotional well-being. It can help them cope with the stress and anxiety associated with their illness and treatment. Positive emotions can also promote resilience, helping patients adjust better to the life changes brought about by their condition. Moreover, it can lead to a deeper appreciation of lif

Childhood cancer misconceptions

  Misconception: Childhood Cancer is Extremely Common Fact: Childhood cancer accounts for a mere fraction, or less than 1%, of total cancer cases. While the diagnosis can be wrenching for families, improvements in treatment allow most kids to survive their cancer in high income countries. However the survival rate in low income countries lies by around 30% only. Misconception: Childhood Cancer is Always Genetic or Environmental  Fact: Most people mistakenly believe that childhood cancer is due to genetics or environmental factors. Many childhood cancers arise due to genetic mutations or other non-contagious factors. Misconception: Childhood Cancer is Contagious Fact: Childhood cancer is not contagious. Believing in such myths perpetuates unwarranted fear and stigma. Understanding that cancer arises from genetic mutations or other non-contagious factors is essential for dispelling misconceptions surrounding the transmission of the disease. Misconception: Childhood Cancer

Experiencing Childhood Cancer: A Journey Through Shadows

  By Hermann Somchai Quint Introduction Childhood - a time of innocence, laughter, and boundless curiosity. Yet, what happens when this idyllic landscape is infiltrated by shadows? Childhood cancer, a cruel intruder, shatters innocence and leaves scars deeper than any playground wound. In this article, I will share firsthand experiences with childhood cancer and explore why its brutality remains unfathomable to those who haven't walked this difficult path. The Silent Onset Childhood cancer creeps into existence, often masked by seemingly trivial symptoms. Headaches, persistent pain, unexplained lumps - these are some of the early whispers of an unwelcome guest. Unlike adult cancers with known risk factors, childhood cancers often defy explanation. Genetic mutations play their mysterious game, and cells rebel against their intended purpose. The Battle Unseen Imagine a child’s body as a battlefield. Cells, once allies, turn into traitors. Leukemias, b

Anxiety and Panic Attacks in Cancer Survivors

Understanding the Emotional Obstacles Being a cancer survivor is a remarkable achievement, but it doesn’t come without its emotional challenges. Long after treatment ends, survivors often grapple with anxiety and distress. Let’s delve into this complex terrain, paying particular attention to the experiences of children who have battled cancer. 1. The Post-Treatment Transition When cancer treatment comes to an end, family and friends eagerly anticipate celebration. However, many survivors don’t feel ready to move forward. The shift from regular medical visits to less frequent check-ins can be unsettling. Suddenly, the safety net of healthcare providers feels distant, and anxiety levels rise unexpectedly.   2. The Fear of Recurrence Fear that cancer will return is a common source of distress. Survivors often experience “ scanxiety ” - a term coined by some to describe the anxiety surrounding follow-up scans. These scans become emotional roulette wheels, spinning us between hope and appre
Saint Peregrine Laziosi (also known as Pellegrino Latiosi) is an Italian saint revered for his unwavering faith, compassion, and miraculous intercession. Born in 1260 in Forlì, Italy, he lived during a tumultuous period marked by political strife and religious divisions. Despite his initial opposition to the Church, Peregrine’s life took a remarkable turn, leading him to become a beacon of hope for those suffering from life-threatening illnesses. Early Life and Conversion Peregrine was born into an affluent family in Forlì, a city within the Papal States. His family supported the anti-papal faction, creating tension within the community. Heckling Philip Benizi: At 18 years old, Peregrine heckled and struck Philip Benizi, the Prior General of the Friar Servants of Saint Mary. Philip was sent to reconcile the divided community, but he faced insults and violence from Peregrine. However, this encounter had a profound effect on Peregrine, leading to his eventual conversion. Transformation

Targeted Therapy for Cancer: Precision Medicine in Action

Cancer treatment has evolved significantly over the years, and one of the most promising advancements is  targeted therapy . Unlike traditional chemotherapy, which affects both healthy and cancerous cells, targeted therapy specifically homes in on cancer cells, disrupting their growth and spread. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of targeted therapy and explore its impact on cancer management. Understanding Targeted Therapy What Is Targeted Therapy? Targeted therapy  is a specialized form of cancer treatment that focuses on specific proteins or genetic alterations unique to cancer cells. By pinpointing these molecular targets, researchers can design drugs that selectively interfere with cancer cell function while sparing healthy tissues. Types of Targeted Therapy : Small-Molecule Drugs : These drugs are tiny enough to penetrate cell membranes and act on targets within cancer cells. They disrupt sign