Saint Peregrine Laziosi
(also known as Pellegrino Latiosi)

is an Italian saint revered for his unwavering faith, compassion, and miraculous intercession. Born in 1260 in Forlì, Italy, he lived during a tumultuous period marked by political strife and religious divisions. Despite his initial opposition to the Church, Peregrine’s life took a remarkable turn, leading him to become a beacon of hope for those suffering from life-threatening illnesses.

Early Life and Conversion

Peregrine was born into an affluent family in Forlì, a city within the Papal States.

His family supported the anti-papal faction, creating tension within the community.

Heckling Philip Benizi:

At 18 years old, Peregrine heckled and struck Philip Benizi, the Prior General of the Friar Servants of Saint Mary. Philip was sent to reconcile the divided community, but he faced insults and violence from Peregrine. However, this encounter had a profound effect on Peregrine, leading to his eventual conversion.

Transformation and Devotion:

Filled with remorse, Peregrine repented and sought forgiveness from Philip. He joined the Servites in Siena and later became an ordained priest. Peregrine’s devotion extended to caring for the sick and poor, earning him the nickname “Angel of Good Counsel.”

Miraculous Healing and Patronage

The Cancerous Leg:

At the age of 60, Peregrine developed a severe infection in his right leg. The condition deteriorated, and the physician decided to amputate the leg. The night before the operation, Peregrine prayed before a fresco of the crucifixion and fell into a deep trance-like sleep. In his vision, Jesus descended from the cross and touched his leg. The next day, the doctor found no sign of cancer, and news of the miraculous cure spread throughout the town.


Peregrine Laziosi is now the patron saint for persons suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other life-threatening illnesses.

His intercession is sought by those facing health challenges, especially cancer patients.

Saint Peregrine’s life exemplifies redemption, compassion, and the power of faith. His miraculous healing and unwavering dedication to the sick continue to inspire and offer hope to those in need.

His legacy transcends time, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, healing and transformation are possible through faith and intercession.


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